about us

  1. About

who we are

what we do

We at Exa Trade believe that we are a dynamic and rapidly mounting organization in broking Industry & decades of vast experience. We believe our organization to be the perfect blend of experience and youth. We have witnessed the highest of highs and the lowest of lows in our more than 2 decades of presence in this industry, which we use and ensure that our clients are fully enhanced with. No experience is a bad experience if learnt from and taught to. We have also enrolled with us the highly qualified and enthusiastic youths. The knowledge that experience teaches you and the energy and creativity that youth presents has been perfectly blended and mixed into our gene.

Exa Trade (Member- NSE)

Member ID :- 90295

SEBI Ragister No :- INZ000309029

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  • Mission statement

    Our mission is to ensure every Indian is financially stable and independent along with the feeling of financial security amongst every Indian family unit.

  • Vision statement

    Our vision is in seeing ourselves, bringing a salutation and astonishing change to our economy. We want to move away from the financial organization that provides his/her clients a fish and instead become an organization who teaches its clients how to fish. Only then will one achieve true liberty.